In Indonesia We Call it "Sambung Nyawa" or any other name is {Gynuraprocumbens (lour.) Merr}. Name Sambung Nyawa For Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr also widely used in Abroad, including the Botanical Garden of
Sambung Nyawa from the Chinese mainland. Dr. Weehuizen, a Dutchman, argued that in Java the plant is sometimes cultivated by the Chinese people as a cure kidney disorders. In Java, Sambung Nyawa commonly known by the name Ngokilo.
His life is at an altitude of 1-1200 feet above sea level (dpi). However, Sambung Nyawa will grow well at an altitude of 300-500 meters dpi. With the shade, this plant can grow well at an altitude of 1-300 meters dpi.
Based on the results of determination of plants, classification Sambung Nyawa as follows.
- Division : Spermatophyta
- Subdivisions : Angiospermae
- Class : Dicotyledoneae
- Nation : Asterales
- Tribe : Compositae
- Marga : Gynura
- Type : Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merrr
These plants include shrubs which is a chronic terna. Stem is soft and tends to collapse. The trunk is rather soft and watery sided, only slightly woody, light green. Length to 3 meters or more.
Microscopic description of the leaves.
Single leaf, scattered around the stem, soft, relatively thick, and juicy (succulent). Light green leaves with an oval shape. Length leaves to 6 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. pointed leaf tip, leaf base rounded, shallow serrated leaf edge, petiole 1.5 cm or more. both leaf surfaces smooth haired.
Single leaf, scattered around the stem, soft, relatively thick, and juicy (succulent). Light green leaves with an oval shape. Length leaves to 6 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. pointed leaf tip, leaf base rounded, shallow serrated leaf edge, petiole 1.5 cm or more. both leaf surfaces smooth haired.
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